domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

Climate change

Climate change

It is a change in the climate, attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere, and which is added to the regular changes that naturally occur on the planet.

Effects of climate change


The Earth's atmosphere is made up of different gases whose function is to maintain a temperature appropriate for life. This natural phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect.

It is necessary that there be a balance in the emission of greenhouse gases to maintain their fair proportion.

However, human activities have increased the production of these gases, causing so-called global warming, the main cause of climate change.


1. Deforestation: the logging industry, agriculture, mining and livestock are the main economic activities dedicated to felling trees.

 2. Disproportionate increase in greenhouse gases: caused by the use of fertilizers, chemical activity for wastewater treatment, the burning of fossil fuels, transportation, heating and urban planning.

 3. Accelerated population growth: the increase in the number of inhabitants influences the production of gases that exacerbate the greenhouse effect.



1. Acidification and pollution of water thanks to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. 

2. Devastating meteorological phenomena such as hurricanes, cyclones, rains, extreme droughts or floods.

 3. Death, migration and extinction of different species of animals. In the case of the sea, there are many species that witness the destruction of their habitat. The presence of plastics and other pollutants in the sea, overfishing and other destructive fishing practices contribute to their disappearance.

4. Alteration of the water cycle.

 5. Increase in sea level and global temperature due to melting ice

6. Emergence of diseases such as dengue and malaria.

7. Depletion of natural resources necessary for human life.


 What will you pay in the future?

Because of climate change, glaciers and ice sheets will disappear, ice on rivers and lakes will break up sooner, the geographic ranges of plants and animals will change, and plants and trees will slowly flourish.

Habits for caring for the environment

Turn off and unplug all electronic devices when you are not using them (some use up to 33% of energy when left unplugged); This way they will not continue to consume energy and you will extend the life of the products.

Recycle or, if possible, reuse papers, cardboard, boxes, glass containers, bags, etc., to reduce the amount of waste generated in your home and/or work.

Avoid using household appliances such as toothbrushes, can openers and electric knives. It is true that they make our work easier, but they also increase energy consumption in your home and increase the amount of electronic waste.

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